Guardian’s Travels: Decoding Invoices
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian’s Travels: Decoding Invoices

“Exactly, some providers might lump various fees together under vague headings, leaving you in the dark about the specifics. This lack of clarity can lead to misunderstandings and unexpected costs.”

Emily sighed in relief. “That makes so much sense, Guardian. I’ve been struggling to make sense of these charges for a while now.”

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Spotlight: 20 Years 20 Charities
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: 20 Years 20 Charities

As a way to give back to our community, Commercial Investigations set a goal in celebration of our 20th anniversary to contribute or donate to 20 different charities and organizations in our local community.

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Due Diligence: Navigating Numbers
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: Navigating Numbers

As the team discussed the various aspects, Duey shifted uneasily in his chair. “We need to be mindful of our budget. We can’t spend more than we can afford.”

Prue agreed. “You’re right, our financial health is just as important as our business operations. We can’t dive into this blindly.”

Sue leaned forward, “I completely understand your worries, but Commercial Investigations is committed to transparency. They provide clear information about our fees and ensure that we won’t be surprised with unexpected costs.”

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The Crystal Clear Lens
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

The Crystal Clear Lens

Background investigations play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and integrity of an organization. However, the pricing structure of these investigations can sometimes be misleading, with some screening providers quoting low contract package prices while purposefully omitting third-party fees.

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Guardian’s Travels: Finding Hiring Blind Spots
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian’s Travels: Finding Hiring Blind Spots

On a lazy Saturday morning, Guardian spotted an untouched newspaper still laying in a neighbor’s driveway. Realizing they didn’t get this edition, and being the curious bird Guardian is, they decided to swoop over and take a peek before anyone was the wiser.

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Spotlight: EOS Rocks
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: EOS Rocks

What are Rocks? The CI staff learned about Rocks after reading Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer’s book What the Heck is EOS? in our book club.

As Wickman and Bouwer say, Rocks, first popularized by Dr. Stephen R. Covey in his book First Things First, has helped a number of companies manage their workflow.

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Due Diligence: Corporate Concerns
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: Corporate Concerns

Duey and Prue swung the courthouse doors open just in time to hear a “Bang!” of the judge’s gavel, and Coco’s sentence is finalized.

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Unlocking Smarter Hiring Potential
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Unlocking Smarter Hiring Potential

Commercial Investigations LLC was founded in 2004, and has been working under President Michelle Pyan’s Private Investigative license since then. However, while it is the same license as the movie stars that stake people out and go through their garbage, CI exclusively focuses on background investigations.

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2023 CI Olympics
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

2023 CI Olympics

In a battle of wits, agility, and teamwork, the red Veni-Vidi-Verified faced off against the black/gray Usual Suspects in a series of thrilling games that pushed their limits and brought out their competitive spirits. Due to the air quality, our teams embraced the added challenge of competing in each event indoors.

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Guardian’s Travels: Where are all the Misdemeanors?
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian’s Travels: Where are all the Misdemeanors?

Guardian knew this team was about to fall into the same trap so many other employers do. “I need to get over there and help before it’s too late!” Guardian said as he swooped down. On his way down, he could see what floor the HR team was on, but the window was sealed shut.

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Spotlight: 2022 CommunityVotes
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: 2022 CommunityVotes

Standing alongside other extraordinary individuals and companies in our community, CI was honored to have received the Platinum Award in the Private Investigator category. We appreciate each and every person who took the time to vote for us and are equally appreciative of our staff who make it all happen.

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Due Diligence - Coco Did WHAT Again?
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence - Coco Did WHAT Again?

“Oh it would indeed, Sue, and maybe even in multiple different inquiries. New York State has many different levels of criminal data. In the case of Coco’s charges, the two felonies will likely only be found in county court, and the misdemeanor will likely only be found in a lower court - such as town or city court, because county courts do not hear misdemeanor cases in New York,” Duey said.

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Peeling Back the Criminal Onion
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Peeling Back the Criminal Onion

There is a misconception between employers and their Human Resource professionals that a National or Nationwide criminal inquiry yields all criminal history information on a subject. Therefore, it’s imperative for employers to peel back the four layers of criminal information available for each subject. Each provides different information about an individual’s criminal history.

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CI’s 19th Birthday
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

CI’s 19th Birthday

It's hard to believe that March 8th, 2023 marked 19 years since Commercial Investigations was founded. It seems too good to be true that this achievement also happens to fall on International Women’s Day, but the stars aligned for CI.

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CommunityVotes 2022 - Platinum Private Investigators
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

CommunityVotes 2022 - Platinum Private Investigators

The people have spoken, and Commercial Investigations LLC has won the Platinum Award in the Private Investigator category.

We can't see exactly who voted, but we appreciate everyone that did take the time out of their day.

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Guardian’s Quality Control
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian’s Quality Control

“We don’t need to pay someone to do a Sex Offender Registry search for us,” a Human Resource professional said, “we can do that on our own”.

Miles away, Guardian heard the distress call and sprang into action. “I have to let them know they won’t be getting all the information possible!” Guardian exclaimed.

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Spotlight: 2022 PBSA Conference
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: 2022 PBSA Conference

The PBSA hosts annual and mid-year conferences each year giving those in the industry the opportunity to network and gain further education in order to better serve their clients.

The PBSA offered a wide variety of seminars to attend, including but not limited to: How to Grow Relationships between Consumer Reporting Agencies and Their Provider Partners, Improving Compliance Functions, Benefits of Fair Chance Hiring Practices, and Exploring End User Agreements.

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Due Diligence: Is It Worth It?
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: Is It Worth It?

“Oh nothing, sorry for my overreaction,” Duey said. “I just remembered that Fancy Valley called me while we were waiting at the airport. I had to let it go to voicemail because they were calling our section to board the plane!”

Duey ran over to grab his phone off the charger and dialed the number to Fancy Valley and The Four Seasons. Justin picked up the phone immediately.

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Diet Background Investigations
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Diet Background Investigations

Hiring and retaining employees this year has been challenging to say the least. Employers are facing one of the most historically tight labor markets ever. It was already hard enough to hire people, now add on a tightening economy and spending has become more difficult.

In response, employers are looking for places to cut costs while streamlining their applicant onboarding process. Unfortunately, one of the methods they are looking to accomplish this is by scaling back their background investigations.

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Guardians Google Search
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardians Google Search

Click, click, click. Guardian’s ears perked up. “I know that sound anywhere. That’s the sound of a Human Resources professional typing a potential new employee’s name into Google. They shouldn’t be doing that!” Guardian exclaimed.

“There’s no time to waste, I have to inform them of the correct compliance standards!” Guardian said. And with a gust of wind, our hero was gone.

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