Multijurisdictional Criminal

Nationwide or National Criminal Record Search

A Multijurisdictional criminal record search, also known as a Nationwide or National criminal record search, is a fantastic starting point for any background check. The three terms are interchangeable.

Multijurisdictional criminal record searches use data from county courts across the country to get a wide view of a subjects’ criminal history.

CI’s multijurisdictional criminal record search contains over 800 million records from US counties and territories.

Also included is the National Sex Offender Registry, which contains data from multiple US federal and state departments.

That sounds great, and the inquiry does establish a solid base to perform additional criminal record searches, however it should not be the only criminal record search hiring teams are relying on.

Throughout the country, county courts are expected to maintain and update their records to give an accurate criminal history on a subject.

Despite that, there are no guidelines or laws that require county courts to update records within a certain amount of time. In some cases, the data our investigative staff finds is days to months old, but in other situations, data might not be updated for years.

Your hiring teams cannot make a decision solely based on the data from a multijurisdictional criminal record search. In order to obtain a full criminal history, you need to be utilizing a county criminal or state criminal record search.

For those with a requirement to perform multijurisdictional, nationwide, or national criminal record searches, you can enhance your compliance and due diligence by utilizing CI’s Origin™ inquiry in its place.

Origin™ contains SSN and Address Information, a multijurisdictional criminal record search, a national sex offender registry search, and a search of international terrorist and sanctions lists.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

SSN Trace and Criminal Record Search. Elevate your diligence for accurate identity verification.

Obtain a candidates' state criminal record history that goes beyond individual counties.

Delve into Criminal History with Precision

Explore our suite of Criminal Records inquiries for thorough multijurisdictional, federal, and international insights. Elevate your hiring decisions with accurate and reliable background checks.