Reference Verification

Customizable Interview Questions

A reference verification is a part of a background check that involves contacting previous employers, supervisors, or colleagues of a job applicant to verify their work history, skills, and character.

CI's professional reference verification is a detailed, comprehensive interview conducted with the subject's references.  

Former supervisors, former co-workers, or friends who provide information about your applicant are somewhat more subjective than normal performance questions included with employment verification.

Thus, a reference check gives you information beyond the facts of employment. It provides insight into performance, attitude, interpersonal skills, and important feedback for determining whether the subject is compatible with your work environment.

We prioritize business references, as they possess accurate knowledge of the applicant's abilities, experience, and background.

Our well-tailored interview consists of customizable questions, covering character traits, strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for employment.

Additionally, we provide details of the reference's relationship with the applicant, including duration and type.

In all, the interview consists of ten well-tailored questions which are customizable and a scale interview which quantifies the subject's abilities numerically.

This can help to identify any potential red flags, such as the applicant having been fired from previous jobs, having a history of absenteeism or tardiness, or having been accused of misconduct.

Make informed hiring decisions with CI's professional reference checks. Obtain valuable feedback numerically quantified, enhancing your background investigation process.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Validate employment history based on verified experience to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Verify educational credentials and ensure applicants possess the right qualifications.

Explore Reliable Credentials for Confident Decisions

We believe that reliable credentials should help guide your hiring decisions. Dive into each verification inquiry to uncover the truth and ensure the integrity of your workforce.