Spotlight: 2022 CI Olympics
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: 2022 CI Olympics

What brings a workplace together more than some friendly competition? Thanks to our Social Committee, the CI staff enjoyed a half-day off from work to blow off some steam in the CI Olympics.

Before the games began, we gathered around for our Guardian Globes. During this light-hearted ceremony, members of our team received unique awards, voted on by their peers, for not only their hard work but for their standout personalities.

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Due Diligence: Cyber Slip Ups
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: Cyber Slip Ups

After 2 weeks of their exquisite honeymoon to Michigan, it was time for Duey and Prue to pack up their things and resume normalcy (or close to it).

“You feeling alright, Duey? That phone call with Coco left you a bit bewildered,” said Prue looking at wedding photos she posted. “What did she want anyway?”

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The Wild, Wild Internet
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

The Wild, Wild Internet

What your applicant posts online affects your business. That’s why cyber investigations have become an essential part of the preemployment background check in today’s age. An ever-increasing amount of information becomes available as your applicants share parts of their lives online.

There’s nothing wrong with using social media, but a business owner and HR team need to be aware of a potentially offensive or criminal online post made by an employee that could impact the business.

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Questions remain for companies and law enforcement on cannabis use
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Questions remain for companies and law enforcement on cannabis use

The journey to retail cannabis in New York is leaving many companies with questions on changing laws and rules surrounding cannabis use in the workplace. Michelle Pyan, President of Commercial Investigations LLC, works with companies to do background and drug tests on employees, and she said the issue is complicated for employers who are trying to follow the constantly changing rules. That’s why she designed a virtual panel for companies aimed at answering some of those questions.

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Guardian Dives Into The Box
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian Dives Into The Box

“But I’m so excited, Michelle. I can’t help myself. Ooh, wait. My down feathers are tingling. Someone is talking about background investigations.”

From the seats behind Michelle and Guardian. “I don’t like this whole Ban The Box rule. We cannot be put in the position of hiring someone with a criminal background. I mean, what if we hire someone with a history of embezzlement, and they end up stealing from us?”

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Spotlight: World’s Greatest CRA
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: World’s Greatest CRA

Have you ever wanted to live life like a movie star? Even for just a day? Not everyone can be so lucky, but our staff here at CI are one of the exceptions! For one brief but memorable day this past October, our staff had the opportunity to feel like movie stars when the national television series World’s Greatest visited our Latham, NY headquarters.

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Due Diligence: A Wild Honeymoon
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: A Wild Honeymoon

“They want to hire a new employee but Michigan’s court redactions are holding them back. She yelled at us for being in the same state.” They both laughed together.

“Okay Duey, if you could be any animal in the world… GO!” Prue asked excitedly.

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To Ban or Not To Ban The Box
Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

To Ban or Not To Ban The Box

“Ban The Box” laws are criminal background check laws that prohibit employers from requesting a potential employee’s criminal history on a job application. Depending on the jurisdiction, they may regulate when an employer can ask about criminal history, provide disclosure and authorization forms, and conduct a background check. These laws are meant to protect applicants convicted of a crime from automatic disqualification during the selection process.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

2022 CI Olympics

Our staff competed viciously for a trophy and ultimate office bragging rights. The Screamin’ Screeners started strong with a dominant win in volleyball, but the Vengeful Verifiers quickly caught up and took the lead with a flurry of Jenga and Cornhole victories.

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Guest User Guest User

Guardian The Lobbyist

“Yes, Guardian. And since you missed assignments, YOU get to contact Michigan and California to let them know redacting identifying information from criminal records searches helps exactly NO ONE!” Gillian replied.

“Wow, Gillian. You seem a little tense about this. Who cares about Michigan and California? Most of our subjects’ histories are along the east coast.”

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: CI Social Committee

Our goal for 2022 is to increase community involvement, partake in more events hosted by CI clients, and to make donations to the companies and organizations meaningful to members of CI. The Social Committee aims every year to make a positive impact on the local community.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: They Redacted What!?

“It’s okay, Duey.” Prue laughed. “We’ll go to the Detroit Zoo, the Isle Royale National Park, even Lake Michigan!” Duey smiled at Prue. “You’re right, let’s try not to think about it this trip. It’s all about you and me.”

Back at the Fancy Valley and Four Seasons, Justin and Sue were finally able to take some time to look over the final few applicants Sue had up for consideration. They interviewed a handful of employees together and have agreed on the two they felt would be the best fit.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Nationwide Expungements and Redactions

Expungement means the arrest, court case, and conviction are now treated like they never happened. None of these will appear on a criminal background history check and it cannot be used against an individual when applying for work.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian & The Sheriffs

“Guardian, I need you to go to the NYS Sheriffs’ Association Winter Conference at The Desmond Hotel. We’re setting up a booth and I will be delayed, so you’ll be on your own for a few hours. Can I trust you to be on your best behavior?”

“I’m stung, Michelle. Am I not always on my best behavior? I will not let you down. I shall print a cheat sheet on light green paper so ours stands out from the many white pages and will bring my new favorite treat.”

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: CI Year Rewind

Whew, can you believe that 2021 is almost over!? It has been quite a year not just for us here at CI, but for everyone as well! In June we made the transition from working from home to coming back to the office and boy, did we make the most of it!

With the help of our creative president, Michelle Pyan, and some of our trusty CI staff, they were able to come up with weekly events to honor our return to the office. Each week, starting from the first week of July, we had a fun day planned for us, with the final event in September.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: Fly Me To The Clink

It was like waking up to a nightmare. A horrible, awful nightmare. While Duey and Prue did not eat any of the drugged Jordan Almonds, many of the guests had taken them home, and some snacked on them while at the wedding.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Cursory Indicator New York Versus NYS OCA

Commercial Investigations LLC takes pride in using primary source verification to remain compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Cursory Indicator New York (CI NY) was officially released in 2011 after having been in development since 1999, it was created by our very own Michelle Pyan with the help of the New York State Sheriffs’ Association. Exclusive to Commercial Investigations and our clients, it is comparable to the New York State Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA) search for criminal records.

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Guardian’s Travels: Undercover

Guardian packed his bags carefully for this undercover assignment. “Have to look like one of the cool kids so no one knows I’ve never used marijuana. Grab a Brooklyn Nets cap and a box of Cracker Jack. Maybe there’s a tattoo inside that I can put on.”

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Spotlight: Game On!

Competition was heating up as scores were being tallied up quickly. The White Team had the first win of the day, with their win in ladder ball. But the Blue Team was right on their tail...and did not let up!

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Michelle Pyan Michelle Pyan

Due Diligence: An Affair to Remember

The air was crisp, the scent of leaves and earth with a hint of apple clung to the air. Duey looked up at the cerulean sky dotted with white fluffy clouds with a burgeoning anticipation building in his gut. The day had arrived, he was to marry Prue. Willing with all his might that the day would go off without a hitch.

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