SSN and Address Information

Verify Personal Identifying Information

Our Social Security Number (SSN) and Address Verification or SSN Trace inquiry is a vital component of our comprehensive Origin™ search, designed to provide you with accurate and verified identity information about your applicants.

Our SSN Trace serves multiple purposes. First, it validates an applicant's Social Security Number, ensuring that the provided information is legitimate.

Additionally, it uncovers any associated names (aliases) connected to the SSN, allowing you to gain a more complete understanding of the applicant's identity.

It also offers detailed address verification, providing you with information on the applicant's previous addresses and movement patterns.

This includes approximate dates of residence at each location, which can be invaluable in establishing a starting point.

By comparing the applicant's provided information against our extensive third-party database, we ensure that your background check is comprehensive, covering at least the last seven years of residence.

Utilizing CI's SSN and Address Verification inquiry is an essential step in conducting proper due diligence.

By starting with verified information, you can focus your resources on a thorough criminal investigation, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your hiring decisions.

For a more robust and comprehensive SSN Trace, we invite you to explore Origin™.

Our advanced inquiry combines a range of powerful tools and services to provide you with the most comprehensive and reliable information available.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

SSN Trace and Criminal Record Search. Elevate your diligence for accurate identity validation.

Verify employment eligibility with E-Verify. Ensure compliance for confident hiring.

Seeking robust Identity Validation solutions?

Our state-of-the-art tools are designed to streamline and fortify your identity validation process. Make your verifications swift, secure, and accurate. Contact us today to connect with our experienced sales associates and explore the possibilities.