County Criminal

Capture Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions

A County criminal record search is the recommended minimum to ensure the discovery of any misdemeanor or felony charges that may have been brought against a subject.

Due to compliance standards, county criminal record searches are usually run in the jurisdictions that a subject has lived.

Some states have a state criminal database, but the majority do not. In those situations, our investigative staff prefers going directly to the county in question.

This method allows our team to gather all available information on a subject, as in almost every state, county courts retain misdemeanors and felony conviction information.

CI uses our Origin™ inquiry to determine the necessary jurisdictions to search. Examples of charges that can be revealed through a county criminal record search include assault, robbery, and murder.

More often, a county criminal record search uncovers “minor” convictions such as theft, drug possession, or shoplifting that are very relevant to employers seeking the best applicants.

Please note: County courts in New York State are different from the rest of the United States.

County court criminal record searches in New York reveal felonies only and will not reveal “minor” crimes considered misdemeanors such as those mentioned above.

For this reason, CI does not recommend that county criminal record searches be the only criminal record search performed in New York State.

Please see a list of Missed Misdemeanors that CI caught, but were missed by County courts in NY.

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