Customized Inquiry

Inquiries Your Way

Our customized inquiries allow you to create a background check that is tailored to your specific needs.

You can choose the types of information you want to be included in the report, such as criminal history, credit history, employment verification, education verification, and more.

You can also specify the geographic areas and time periods that you want to be searched.

Tailor the inquiry to suit your unique requirements, ensuring you get exactly what you need. Our team of investigators brings years of experience and expertise, giving you peace of mind that you're in safe hands.

Don't leave important decisions to chance. When it comes to making crucial judgments about potential employees, business partners, tenants, or anyone else, our “Customized Inquiry” service equips you with the knowledge you need to make the right choices.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

SSN Trace and Criminal Record Search. Elevate your diligence for accurate identity verification.

Obtain NYS criminal history for half the cost of the state. Spend less, without sacrificing.