Sex Offender Registry (State Specific)

Capture all Three Levels of Offender

A State specific Sex Offender Registry is a database of registered sex offenders within a particular state. It is maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice and is accessible to the public online.

The registry includes information on registered sex offenders, such as their name, photograph, date of birth, address, and criminal history.

Each state has three levels of offender based on the severity of the crime the committed.

Level three offenders committed the most severe crimes, and have the highest chance of recidivism.

Level one offenders committed the “least” severe crimes, and are the least likely to repeat.

This uniform practice makes it easier for each state to classify an offender and notify the appropriate parties.

Prior to the Jacob Wetterling Act of 1994, state registries were not required to share their offender information with other, neighboring states.

Having the level system in place is efficient for sharing information between registries, but obtaining that for a background check can be tenuous.

You should consider the level of risk when making hiring decisions, and always perform an Individualized Assessment to show you went through the necessary compliance steps.

Levels of Offender

Level 1 - Least Severe Crime, Least Likely to Repeat

Level 2 - Medium Severity Crime, Possibility to Repeat

Level 3 - Most Severe Crime, Most Likely to Repeat

Many employers utilize the National Sex Offender Registry in their background investigations, but there are holes in the data that can leave you blind.

While the National Registry is a good starting point, it only contains data on level two and three offenders. It does not contain level 1 offender information.

If you are only using the National Sex Offender Registry, you are missing out on level 1 offender information, and could inadvertently hire a level 1 sex offender.

We’re sure you realize the ramifications more than we do. CI offers the National Registry search as a part of our Origin™ (Enhanced SSN Trace) inquiry.

Our investigative staff will then search each state registry your applicant has lived in, to ensure you obtain all available information.

A State specific Sex Offender Registry search is a valuable tool for those looking to protect their employees and customers.

Discover the Difference: State vs. National Sex Offender Registries

Explore the nuances between national and state sex offender registry!

Our 1:30 video breaks down the differences between these registries, highlighting how relying solely on the national registry can lead to blind spots in your background checks.

Stay informed and protect your organization with our insightful video.

Watch now to understand the importance of using both registries in your screening process!

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Prioritize safety by checking candidates against the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Registry.

Uncover an overview of a candidate's criminal history spanning various jurisdictions.

Delve into Criminal History with Precision

Explore our suite of Criminal Records inquiries for thorough multijurisdictional, federal, and international insights. Elevate your hiring decisions with accurate and reliable background checks.