CI Partners

At CI, we believe partnerships are built on shared principles and a commitment to excellence. When looking for companies to team up with, we seek partners who embody the core values of integrity, compliance, security, and customer-centric service.

By aligning with organizations that uphold these standards, we can jointly deliver background check solutions that foster trust, safeguard privacy rights, and enable smart hiring decisions.

If your company prioritizes ethical practices, regulatory adherence, robust data protection, and an outstanding client experience, we'd be thrilled to explore a partnership opportunity. You can view logos of some of our current valued partners below.

Buffalo Niagara Human Resource Association

CalNonprofits Insurance Services

Centerstate CEO

Davin Healthcare Workforce Solutions

Innovative Captive Strategies

New York State Recs and Parks Society

Non Profits Insurance Alliance

Franchise Supplier Network

Partner with Us!

With a track record of accurate, legally-compliant, and timely reports, we empower employers to make great hires.

Interested in learning more about partnering with us? Click below to speak with one of our experts today!