CFPB Consumer Complaint Database

Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau

The Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a US government agency responsible for ensuring that lenders or financial institutions do not take advantage of common consumers. To achieve this goal, the CFPB utilizes its Consumer Complaint Database.

The database only includes complaints that have been sent by the CFPB to companies, and complaints are published only after the company responds, confirming a commercial relationship, or after 15 days, whichever comes first.

It is important to note that the consumer complaint database search needs to be performed with proper due diligence to ensure there are no false positive results due to a common name.

The CFPB requires you to start their search using the individual's last name, and if more than 50 results appear, the CFPB allows the use of the individual's first name as well, but there is still a risk of obtaining inaccurate data.

As a professional background check provider, CI strongly recommends using other verification methods to accurately identify the subject in question.

Additionally, it is significant to note that this database does not include complaints referred to other regulators, such as complaints about depository institutions with less than $10 billion in assets.

The database is not a statistical sample of consumers' experiences in the marketplace, and complaints may not necessarily be representative of all consumers' experiences with a financial product or company.

Company-specific information should be considered in the context of that company's size and/or market share.

Furthermore, the database only includes a consumer's description of what happened in their own words, if the consumer agrees to share it, and after steps are taken to remove personal information.

It is important to keep in mind that one consumer's experience is not necessarily representative of all consumers' experiences, and narratives are not verified before publication.

Finally, it is worth noting that this database generally updates daily and does not include complaints that do not meet the publication criteria.

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