Drug Testing

Create a Safer Workplace

Drug testing has become an essential component of pre-employment background screening, especially in today's world of easy access to prescription and non-prescription drugs, as well as alcohol.

By incorporating pre-employment drug tests into your screening process, you can enjoy numerous benefits that contribute to a healthier work environment and bolster your organization's standing:

  • Create a healthier workplace: Identifying substance abuse issues early on helps foster a safe and productive work environment for your employees.

  • Boost the reputation of your organization: Demonstrating a commitment to maintaining a drug-free workplace enhances your company's image and instills confidence in clients and stakeholders.

  • Reduce employee theft/fraud: Drug testing acts as a deterrent, reducing the likelihood of employee theft and fraud within your organization.

  • Reduce health insurance costs: A drug-free workplace can lead to lower health insurance costs by minimizing drug-related health issues and accidents.

At Commercial Investigations LLC, we understand that every company has unique needs.

We offer flexible options for drug testing, allowing you to tailor a testing policy that aligns with your specific requirements.

Our experienced team members are available to assist you in implementing a policy that works best for your organization.

New Expanded Drug Testing Panel Now Available

For companies already conducting drug screenings, we are pleased to announce the availability of an even more comprehensive test: the 10 Panel plus Expanded Opiates plus MDMA.

This expanded panel includes drugs such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Morphine, and Ecstasy.

Recent data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health highlights alarming increases in the use of Oxycodone and Hydrocodone, making it crucial to screen for these substances.

A closer look:

While the terms "opiates" and "opioids" are often used interchangeably, there are important differences to consider during drug testing.

Opiates are derived from the opium poppy plant and are natural pain remedies, while opioids are synthetic pain medications designed to mimic the effects of opiates.

Commercial Investigations LLC offers a comprehensive 10 Panel Plus Expanded Opiates and MDMA test to ensure accurate detection of drug use.

This test covers substances such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Morphine, and Ecstasy.

We understand that the drug screening industry is constantly evolving, and we are committed to keeping you informed about the latest information and innovations.

With Commercial Investigations LLC, you can stay ahead of the curve and maintain the highest standards in your background investigations.

Take the proactive approach—upgrade your drug testing panel today!

Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive drug testing solutions and how they can benefit your organization.

Please note:  Scheduling a drug test through our software system couldn't be easier!  Once we set up the account, you are able to schedule a drug test and set an expiration date which generates an automatically-populated .pdf form for your candidate.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Administer drug tests meticulously to optimize compliance efforts and enhance safety.

Obtain NYS criminal history for half the cost of the state. Spend less, without sacrificing.

Prioritize Compliance and Safety with Testing

Empower your organization with comprehensive resources and tools for conducting drug tests. Prioritize compliance with regulatory requirements and maintain a safe working environment through efficient and accurate drug testing procedures.