School Accreditation

Complying with Standards

School accreditation is an essential process that evaluates the quality and adherence to specific standards of educational institutions. Accrediting agencies, recognized for their expertise and authority, establish criteria and benchmarks to ensure educational excellence.

By undergoing accreditation, schools voluntarily subject themselves to external scrutiny, affirming their commitment to delivering high-quality education.

You may want to utilize school accreditation in a pre-employment background check to verify a candidate's educational credentials, to assess the candidate's academic potential, or to identify potential red flags.

You want to be sure that the candidates you hire have the education and qualifications they claim to have.

A school accreditation search can help to verify that the candidate attended the school they claim to have attended and that they graduated with the degree they claim to have.

CI can help you conduct school accreditation searches as part of a comprehensive pre-employment background check.

Our investigative staff has access to databases of accredited schools and can quickly and easily verify a candidate's educational credentials.

By utilizing school accreditation searches in addition to education verification, you can help to ensure that you’re hiring the best possible candidates.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Verify educational credentials and ensure applicants possess the right qualifications.

Validate employment history based on verified experience to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Explore Reliable Credentials for Confident Decisions

We believe that reliable credentials should help guide your hiring decisions. Dive into each verification inquiry to uncover the truth and ensure the integrity of your workforce.