Unlocking Smarter Hiring Potential

Advantages of a Private Investigative License

Commercial Investigations LLC was founded in 2004, and has been working under President Michelle Pyan’s Private Investigative license since then. However, while it is the same license as the movie stars that stake people out and go through their garbage, CI exclusively focuses on background investigations. That doesn’t mean our investigative staff disregards our license. It actually means our clients have access to extra levels of information that Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRA’s) without a Private Investigative license are able to supply.

Executive Level Hires

You might be thinking the information a private investigative license unlocks won’t have a massive impact on the overall hiring decision. For a lot of job positions, you would be correct. Most of the time, a criminal history with resume verification is enough to make a decision on. But what if the position you are hiring for is a CEO or a new franchise owner? Businesses have a responsibility to conduct a further comprehensive search on a higher level position than on an entry level one.

For example, being able to obtain information from a Cyber Investigation Social Media Scan, or effectively search the US DOT Office of the Comptroller of the Currency might not be necessary for every applicant. If an organization was hiring a forward facing employee, like a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) though, their hiring team should have as much information that is available in order to make an informed decision. Gathering that data is only possible with a private investigative license.

In addition, while the US DOT Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is public information, our investigative staff has the expertise to gather accurate data quickly. If an organization has to hire a Chief Financial Officer, it’s important to get that role filled as soon as possible, with an employee your hiring team feels confident about. When performing a high level investigation, with many possible roadblocks to slow the process down, having a professional partner that can close an investigation quickly and accurately is critical to an organization’s reputation.

The Secret Ingredient

CI has built a reputation as an educational leader in the background investigation industry because our clients trust our results and turnaround time. Hiring teams need to trust each other’s judgments and expertise, as well as trust the information they receive during the background investigation. Without trust, hiring decisions may be clouded by biases or incomplete information, which can lead to poor hires and potentially damaging consequences for the organization. When hiring for a position with so much weight, you don’t want just any background screening provider working with you. You want to partner with a professional for the best possible results.

Therefore, if you’re looking to make the highest quality hires, consider partnering with a licensed private investigation firm like Commercial Investigations LLC. With our extensive knowledge, we can help you uncover the information you need to make informed decisions and protect your organization from potential risks. Invest in the power of a private investigative licensed partner and take your hiring to the next level.


Due Diligence: Corporate Concerns


2023 CI Olympics