NPI Number Verification

Verify National Provider Identifier Numbers

A National Provider Identifier, or NPI Number, is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to all healthcare providers that are covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

They were created to help healthcare professionals send information to providers electronically, and efficiently.

NPI numbers are separate from licenses, like a Registered Nurse.

Job positions which are HIPAA covered, and therefore require an NPI number, include dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and more.

Organizations like hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, and others also need a number for the entity.

If that organization has subparts which conduct transactions on their own, they must also get a separate number.

Some organizations allow their providers to work under one singular registration, meaning searching for one particular person could cost your hiring team valuable time.

Each individual only gets one NPI number for their life, no matter if they change their name or address.

In occasions where thousands of people are working under the same number, streamlining the investigation becomes a priority.

Our experts are quickly able to identify accurate information that hiring teams can use in their decision.

Keep in mind that just because an individual has an NPI number, it does not mean they have a valid license or certificate.

To obtain a full history on applicant’s it is recommended to perform professional license verifications in tandem with NPI Number verification.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

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Verify board status to ensure specialized training and expertise requirements.

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