Global Compliance Intelligence

Anti-Terrorist Database

CI's Global Compliance Intelligence Inquiry is a result of the US Patriot Act; however, it expands well beyond by including foreign terrorist lists, as well.

In one search, you can determine if your applicant is on any of hundreds of terrorist-related lists.

This cutting-edge solution is designed to assist you in making informed hiring decisions by screening potential employees against a vast array of international databases and watch lists.

Global Compliance Intelligence is a robust search tool that scans through multiple federal government agencies and international databases, compiling critical information that you need to ensure the integrity of your hiring process.

This advanced technology combines data from various sources, such as OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons, INTERPOL Most Wanted List, United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List, and more, to provide an in-depth overview of a candidate's international background.

You can utilize Global Compliance Intelligence for enhanced risk mitigation, advanced security screening, financial security, compliance, and reputational management.

You may face potential legal and reputational risks when hiring individuals with international sanctions or criminal connections.

Global Compliance Intelligence helps identify individuals on various watch lists, ensuring compliance with international trade and finance regulations.

Our intuitive platform simplifies the process for you. Once you submit a candidate's information, Global Compliance Intelligence rapidly scans multiple databases and generates a comprehensive report.

This report highlights any potential matches with watch lists, sanctions, or criminal databases, allowing you to make well-informed hiring decisions with confidence.

At CI, we understand the importance of thorough background checks to protect your business and employees.

Global Compliance Intelligence provides the necessary edge in today's globalized world, empowering you to make secure and compliant hiring choices.

Global Compliance Intelligence contains:
* OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons
* OFAC Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities and Ports
* Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
* Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
* U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (formerly BXA) -
* Unverified Entities List
* Denied Entities List
* Denied Persons List
* FBI Most Wanted Terrorists and Seeking Information
* FBI Top Ten Most Wanted
* INTERPOL Most Wanted List
* Bank of England Sanctions List
* OSFI - Canadian Sanctions List
* United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
* Politically Exposed Persons List
* European Union Terrorism List
* World Bank Ineligible Firms
* European Union Sanctions
* Metropolitan Police Service UK
* US Secret Service
* Lloyd's Insurance Market
* Reserve Bank of India
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation US
* Autorite des Marches Financiers Canada
* US Department of Justice
* Financial Regulator Ireland
* Central Bank of Belize
* Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia (CEMEFI)

This inquiry helps impede terrorists by identifying individuals linked to terrorism or classified on government watch lists, improving compliance with the Patriot Act.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Stay compliant with OFAC SDN and identify individuals associated with terrorism activities.

Explore the Consolidated Screening List to identify individuals restricted from business.

Ensure Compliance with Global Standards

At CI, precision tools await to navigate global regulations with confidence. From Global Compliance Intelligence to OFAC SDN and Consolidated Screening Lists, ensure adherence to global standards and safeguard against terrorism risks.