Property Ownership

Verify Property Details

A property ownership search enables you to verify the residential address provided by job applicants or employees.

This step ensures that individuals have furnished accurate and truthful information regarding their current or previous places of residence. By confirming their address, you establish a foundation of trust and reliability.

You can utilize a property ownership search to verify an applicant's identity, research an applicant's financial history, or to identify potential conflicts of interest.

The amount of property an applicant owns can give you some insight into their financial history. For example, if an applicant owns a lot of property, it suggests that they have a good credit history and that they are financially stable.

Our investigative team has access to a variety of databases that can be used to conduct these searches. We also provide our clients with guidance on the types required, and they can help to complete the required paperwork.

Please note that the utilization of property ownership searches in background checks must adhere to applicable laws and regulations.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Assess possessions, investments, and assets to understand overall financial health.

Uncover any outstanding liens to mitigate risk and ensure integrity in your hiring process.

Elevate Your Decision-Making with Fiscal Insights

Gain insights into candidates' financial backgrounds with precision and reliability. Our suite of Financial Information inquiries equips you with the tools needed to assess risk, ensure financial stability, and make informed hiring decisions.