Consolidated Screening List

Obtain Sanction Information

A consolidated screening list search involves a thorough review of a combined database containing individuals, entities, and organizations subject to sanctions, restrictions, or prohibitions imposed by national and international authorities.

These lists aim to prevent financial transactions and business dealings with designated individuals or entities involved in terrorism, money laundering, weapons proliferation, and other illicit activities.

You can utilize consolidated screening list searches to ensure an applicant is not prohibited from working in the United States, to identify any potential security risks, to comply with government regulations, or to protect the company's reputation.

It is important to note that a negative result on a consolidated screening list search does not necessarily mean that the employee is ineligible for employment.

There may be legitimate reasons why the employee's name appears on the list, such as a previous employment relationship with a company that is now subject to export restrictions.

It is essential to carefully review all the information obtained during the background check process before making a hiring decision.

By utilizing this powerful tool, you can safeguard sensitive information, maintain a safe work environment, and mitigate financial risks.

CI has a team of experienced investigators who can conduct comprehensive background checks that include a consolidated screening list search, while remaining compliant.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Access resources to stay informed about global compliance regulations and mitigate risks.

Stay compliant with OFAC SDN and identify individuals associated with terrorism activities.

Ensure Compliance with Global Standards

At CI, precision tools await to navigate global regulations with confidence. From Global Compliance Intelligence to OFAC SDN and Consolidated Screening Lists, ensure adherence to global standards and safeguard against terrorism risks.