Cyber Investigation Eagle View

Social Media Analysis

CI’s Eagle View provides social media insights for you, including an overall score, detailed content breakdowns, word cloud analysis, sentiment trends, risk categorization, and customizable reporting.

For employers, leveraging social media background checks can offer valuable insights into candidates not revealed in the interview, aiding in smarter hiring decisions and reducing risks.

Eagle View streamlines social media data gathering, providing a more in-depth view of an applicant’s character, without the risk of you being out of compliance.

Relying solely on manual searches opens the door to your team seeing protected class information, putting you in a serious liability risk.

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Social Media Background Check

CI's Eagle View provides unparalleled access to a vast array of platforms. With the ability to scan a staggering seven different social media networks, Eagle View offers unrivaled insights into a candidate's online presence.

From LinkedIn to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, and Pinterest, Eagle View leaves no stone unturned. The addition of internet searches with social media ensures that you obtain valuable information that could otherwise remain hidden.

Eagle View empowers you to make informed hiring decisions based on a holistic understanding of a candidate's character, interests, and online behavior.

Embrace the future of social media screening with CI's Eagle View, and gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent while mitigating potential liabilities.

No background check is complete without a social media scan.

Traditional methods of conducting in-house social media searches can be cumbersome and may inadvertently introduce biases.

CI clients find immense value in Eagle View, as it offers a detailed history and analysis of applicants' social media usage.

The word cloud feature highlights the most frequently used words in applicants' posts, giving hiring managers valuable insights into their interests and communication style.

Additionally, the sentiment analysis tool tracks changes in tone over time, providing a nuanced understanding of applicants' online behavior.

Volume statistics provide a clear picture of the platforms where applicants are most active, helping hiring managers tailor their approach to each candidate.

Flagged posts are meticulously categorized based on risk type and keywords, allowing hiring managers to quickly identify potential issues.

With Eagle View, your hiring managers gain a deep understanding of an applicant's social media presence, enabling informed decisions.

The search is customizable, allowing for client-specified keywords and reporting rules tailored to exact needs.

Enhance your hiring process, mitigate risks, and make confident decisions with CI's cyber background check tool.

Eagle View Includes

Overall Score

Detailed Content

Word Cloud Analysis

Sentiment Trends

Risk Categorization

Customizable Reporting

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Reviewing your applicant’s social media, and classifying that into reportable information!

Identify additional criminal information through verifiable sources outside of courts!

Elevate your Hiring Game with our Cyber Background Checks!

Empower your hiring process with our cutting-edge background check solutions. Our advanced tools ensure faster, easier, and more accurate hiring decisions, reducing risks. Speak with our knowledgeable team today!