Employment Verification

Work History Validation

Employment verifications play a pivotal role in confirming the accuracy of a candidate's work history and building trust in your hiring process.

CI’s employment verification covers crucial details such as dates of employment, salary, position, eligibility for rehire, and reason for leaving.

We initiate the verification process by reaching out to the subject's supervisor or other high-level verification sources, who are carefully interviewed using a series of targeted questions.

This method ensures accurate and trustworthy information about the candidate's work experience.

Our clients choose to incorporate employment verifications to ensure honesty, validate qualifications, asses an applicant’s reliability, and mitigate risks.

Also, for certain industries or specific roles, conducting background checks is not just good practice; it's a legal requirement.

Employment verifications ensure that your hiring process aligns with industry regulations and standards.

What sets CI apart is our commitment to customization. We understand that every organization and industry has unique requirements.

That's why our employment verification process is completely customizable. As a CI client, you have the flexibility to tailor the interview to incorporate changes specific to your organization's needs, ensuring that you receive the most relevant information for your decision-making process.

To provide our clients with a more comprehensive understanding of a candidate's character and work style, CI offers a reference verification service as well.

By delving deeper into the candidate's professional network, we can obtain additional valuable insights.

At CI, we recognize that your workforce is the backbone of your success.

Employment verifications are an essential tool in our comprehensive background investigation process, enabling you to make informed hiring decisions based on reliable and verified information.

Explore more about Employment Verifications:
CI Times - Employment Falsifications

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Gather insights from references to validate candidates' skills, work ethic, and character.

Verify educational credentials and ensure applicants possess the right qualifications.

Explore Reliable Credentials for Confident Decisions

We believe that reliable credentials should help guide your hiring decisions. Dive into each verification inquiry to uncover the truth and ensure the integrity of your workforce.