Secretary of State

Verify Business Affiliations

A Secretary of State search, or business lookup, is a type of online search that allows you to find information about businesses, organizations, and individuals that are registered with the Secretary of State's office in a particular state.

The search serves to gather pertinent information related to individuals, businesses, and legal entities, providing valuable insights for background investigations.

You can utilize Secretary of State searches to verify the applicant's identity, to research the applicant's business history, and even to find out if the applicant is a registered sex offender.

If the applicant is applying for a job that involves managing money or making financial decisions, you might want to research the applicant's business history to see if they have any prior bankruptcies or financial problems.

This information can help you assess the applicant's financial risk and make an informed decision about whether to hire them.

Partnering with a professional background investigation provider is the most efficient method to conduct these inquiries compliantly.

There are a number of websites and databases to search for businesses, organizations, and individuals by name, address, or other criteria. As a Private Investigator, CI is able to access information other providers simply can’t.

At CI, we understand the importance of comprehensive screening processes, and our investigative team is committed to delivering accurate and reliable information to our clients.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in making informed hiring decisions.

Discover More with Commercial Investigations

Gain intellectual property ownership insights to uncover creations and affiliations.

Investigate trademark registrations to uncover affiliations and protect intellectual property.

Uncover Business Ties with Confidence

We can help provide detailed resources to empower you to navigate business connections with ease. Discover business affiliations to ensure clarity and confidence in your decision-making process.