Commercial Investigations LLC

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Saving 37% on Background Check Costs

In the evolving landscape of background investigations, organizations across industries face the pressing challenge of optimizing costs while ensuring comprehensive investigations.

This whitepaper presents a compelling case study that highlights the remarkable cost savings achieved by a prominent institution in their respective field, we’ll call them Mountain Management.

Mountain Management’s team was astonished to learn the true cost of their investigations, as third party fees built up tremendously.

Once the true savings potential was uncovered, they realized implementing a more efficient process meant savings close to 40%.

This success story serves as a testament to the benefits that can be realized through innovative partnerships with trusted background investigation companies.

The following group of applicants is a valuable example of the power of CI’s proprietary inquiry, Cursory Indicator New York™.

Let’s focus on the third party fees specifically, and as you can see, each applicant has fees totaling $273.66.

The fees originate from two New York state criminal searches through the NYS Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA), which costs $95 per name, and one employment verification through The Work Number, which costs $83.66 per verification.

By reverse engineering the fees, they tell us that this group of applicants have had two names, and provided one employment verification.

With CI, the total third party fees for each applicant below would be $65 per person. We produce these results through a combination of Cursory Indicator New York™, and our customized reference verification.

With CI’s process, each name would be searched using Cursory Indicator New York™ before the NYS OCA, which has a $32.50 fee per name.

Then, our clients customize their reference questions, giving them the ability to treat the reference more like an employment verification.

Asking specialized reference questions allows our clients to obtain additional employment information, otherwise not known.

The average total cost for this group of applicants with CI would be $213.79.

Another pair of applicants displays the immense cost-saving ability CI possesses. Again, we’re going to focus on the third party fees, with the two below each totaling $178.66.

The fees originate from one NY state criminal search through the NYS OCA, which again costs $95 per name, and one employment verification through The Work Number, at $83.66 per verification.

Reverse engineering the fees tell us that the two applicants have only had one name, and provided one employment verification.

With CI, the total third party fees for each applicant below would only be $32.50 per person.

In this example, only one Cursory Indicator New York™ inquiry is needed, as the applicant’s have only had one name, and have all lived in New York state.

The $32.50 fee is only charged once per name, and utilizing CI’s customized reference verification would have avoided The Work Number fee here as well.

The total cost of the investigations don’t quite add up, due to CI’s processes. As a licensed Private Investigative agency, our team is able to gather additional information that other providers can’t access.

Our process adds slightly to the overall cost, but is able to obtain all available information, while still reducing the overall cost of third party fees.

The average total cost for these applicants with CI would be $142.74.

By utilizing Cursory Indicator New York™, before the NYS OCA, Commercial Investigations LLC can reduce the total cost and turnaround time of your background investigations.

In our final example, we highlight the extreme ends of the spectrum, with investigations that were the most and least expensive from the data we gathered.

The following examples attempt to portray CI’s savings ability on all types and sizes of investigations.

From our maximum example, $900 in third party fees is not sustainable, or common. However, the hidden fees can end up costing 10 times more than the price of the actual investigation.

Mike Maximum had eight total names, resulting in over $750 in government (criminal inquiry) fees.

If Mountain Management had used Cursory Indicator New York instead, the total government fees would add to only $260.

Mikes total included State and County criminal searches, not only NYS OCA state searches.

Even in the minimum example, the third party fee with CI would total $32.50, just one Cursory Indicator New York™ inquiry.

Even though the cost of the package was significantly less, employers are still on the hook for surprise third party fees they were not aware of.

In both situations, CI and Cursory Indicator New York™ could have drastically reduced the cost of the third party fees. Again, these are extreme examples, but these situations actually happened to a real employer.

Having the proper professional partner by your side will eliminate the risk of this ever happening to you.

In the one year’s worth of data our experts looked over, CI found an average of 37% savings on all the background investigations Mountain Management completed that year.

While we can’t guarantee the same cost-saving numbers, our team would be happy to perform an Apples to Apples comparison of your current package versus what we can offer.

Our process is meant to tailor solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring you receive the most efficient, and cost-effective investigations.

If the numbers are anything like Mountain Management, you can start spending your money more efficiently, while obtaining additional information other providers can not provide.

Also, you’ll never have to guess about the price of an investigation again. By optimizing your background investigation process with Commercial Investigations LLC, you can allocate resources in other critical areas of business.

If you’re interested in a comparison, or have questions, use the button below, call (518) 271-7546, or email

Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your background investigation process and reap the benefits of increased efficiency and savings.