Commercial Investigations LLC

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Due Diligence: Cyber Slip Ups

After 2 weeks of their exquisite honeymoon in Michigan, it was time for Duey and Prue to pack up their things and resume normalcy (or close to it).

“You feeling alright, Duey? That phone call with Coco left you a bit bewildered,” said Prue looking at wedding photos she posted. “What did she want anyway?”

Duey recounts how Coco called to apologize to him and Prue for ruining their special night.

Coco said as a way to apologize, she is making them a magazine collage art to hang in their home as a wedding gift.

“Not sure it makes up for poisoning our wedding guests, but it’s the thought that counts,” Duey said.

Then they packed and went for breakfast. They sat chatting about how they can’t believe the honeymoon’s over, but how great of a time they had.

After their fill, they headed out.

“Off to the airport. So long Great Lake State”, Duey whispered.

After a few minutes, a call comes through on Dueys phone. It’s Lou. A buddy that attended the wedding.

“What is wrong with you? Your wedding photos got me fired!” Shouted Lou.

“I’m sorry. How so?”, Questioned Duey.

“In one of the pictures Prue posted, I’m in the background talking with a friend with a joint in my hand. She tagged me, so it showed up on my profile! My boss said they do social media checks and have a zero tolerance policy! So, now I’m fired,” Lou said.

“I’m sorry buddy. I didn’t know. I’m sure Prue didn’t notice you, or she wouldn’t have posted it,” Duey replied.

Lou sighed. “I know. I’m sorry I called so enraged. I just don’t know what to do!”

“Listen,” says Duey, “At The Fancy Valley and Four Seasons, we do social media checks too. In lawn care, we handle machinery and tools that can be dangerous. It is our priority to ensure our employees are responsible, not only ON the clock, but also not doing anything off the clock that could hurt our business. We go through Commercial Investigations LLC. We look at things like discrimination, cyber harassment, violent content, and even unlawful conduct like drug usa-.”

Lou interjected “I called you because I got fired, and you’re bragging about how awesome your background screening friends are?!”

Duey refuted, “No, I was saying that as your friend I am sympathetic to your situation and sorry you were fired. However, as an employer, I understand the decision.”

“What do you even mean?” asked Lou.

“Okay”, stated Duey, “You were a mechanic. You handle heavy machinery and work meticulously. If you are smoking marijuana, that could affect your ability to do your work and put you and your colleagues in danger.”

“It just sucks,” said Lou exasperatedly. “What should I do?”

“We’re on our way to the airport to go home. When we get back, come over. We’ll watch the game. I know a few good tackles always makes you feel better!” Said Duey.

“Okay, I get the comfy recliner this time!” Lou hung up.

“What was that all about?” Asked Prue.

“Oh, it was nothing,” sighed Duey.

He looked out the window, watching the planes take off one by one. Just as he closed his eyes to nod off to sleep, his phone rang again.

INCOMING CALL: Fancy Valley and The Four seasons

What could they need at The Fancy V now?

Will Duey get a good rest when he gets home?

Should Duey tell Prue what happened with Lou so she can check through her social media as well?