Commercial Investigations LLC

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CI Uncovers A Sex Offender

At Commercial Investigations LLC, we came across an alarming occurrence. This is a case study of a convicted and registered sex offender for which the NYS Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA) provided absolutely no results.

This case study is a step by step analysis of the research performed to reveal missing information that was not provided by the NYS OCA.

For the purpose of this case study, we will refer to this subject as JOHNNY BADMAN¹.

Our team ran multiple different inquiries on this individual.

We received many “hits”, one in particular was from a Cyber Investigation™, through which we uncovered two articles, both pertaining to the same sexual abuse incident.

We also ran a Cursory Indicator NY™ (CI NY) inquiry and were presented with four booking records.

One of the booking records also matched the Cyber Investigation™ articles that were discovered.

See Figure 1 for the CI NY results.

¹ Denotes all names and other identifying information have been changed or redacted to protect the identity of the subject.

Figure 1 – Cursory Indicator New York Booking Records

We have a specific protocol involving the research of Cursory Indicator NY™ (CI NY) “hits.”

The common practice for the majority of our clients is to open up a Developed Criminal Record. Wherein we call on each individual booking record, and locate the court we need to reach out to in order to obtain the final disposition. For this particular individual, we tried the NYS OCA Statewide for the convictions we sought.

See Figure 2 for the NYS OCA results.

In every instance where we receive CI NY hits that are not obtained by the NYS OCA search, we require further research to be performed.

After receiving no results from the NYS OCA search, we reached out to our liaison at the court, requesting information on all booking records for this individual.

The only information that was provided to us was one incomplete sexual abuse case out of Volney Town Justice.

Please note that the case itself containing the final disposition was not given to us and the original results said No Results Found.

Figure 2- New York State Office of Court Administration Statewide Results

We were provided a court control number, incident date, no charge information, and the court in which the case was heard. This is unfortunately a common occurrence with the NYS OCA.

In an email response from our liaison, we were told that the incident date that matched our CI NY hit for Forgery was then sent up to a Management Analyst to determine whether they could provide us any information.

Figure 3 displays the limited information provided to us, even after we have paid the fee for the NYS OCA.

Figure 3- Email from NYS OCA Research Analyst

A Sex Offender Registry search was added, as per our procedures. These results were verified by Name, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number.

Once a Sex Offender Registry “hit” is discovered through the initial search of Name and Exact Date of Birth, an investigator calls the New York State Sex Offender Registry to obtain further details of the registered ex offender.

This investigator will also re-verify the identifiers of Name and complete Date of Birth, as well as the full Social Security Number.

Figure 4 is the complete results from the New York State Sex Offender Registry.

Figure 4- New York State Sex Offender Registry Results

Because the NYS OCA Liaison did not offer satisfactory information regarding all booking records in question, our team will reach out to the jails to obtain the court information.

CI will then follow up with said courts in order to obtain the final disposition information for each charge. There are dead ends, and not every booking record results in a corresponding passable conviction.

We did reach out to the Wayne County Jail, as well as the Oswego County Jail, in order to obtain the court information for the remaining two booking records. Per the records department of the Oswego County Jail; the booking record dated 04/11/2016 was in relation to the case out of Volney Town Court.

The subject was held in that jail for a continuance of sentencing. The Wayne County Jail had similar records in regard to the 05/08/2016 booking record. The subject was then transferred from the Oswego county jail to the Wayne County jail in order to complete the 180-day jail sentence. These particular booking records are prime examples of when a booking record does not necessarily equate to a conviction.

Through thorough research and due diligence, we came to the rightful conclusion below.

A Registered Sex Offender Did Not Have Results Come Back on the New York Statewide Office of Court Administration Search.

Figure 5-Developed Criminal Record Results

Extensive research and follow up did reveal that two convictions were indeed passable to our client.

The first is the Sexual Abuse case for which the subject was a level one registered Sex Offender.

Figure 5 displays the completed results provided by the court.

The NYS OCA did not have any results in relation to this case other than an incident date and the court information. They provided this information only after asking the NYS OCA to take a second look because their original results were No Results Found.

The NYS OCA Information was only provided to us after contact was made regarding their reporting of no records. Without CI NY, we would not have known to ask for more from the NYS OCA.

The second case we were able to provide to the client was a pending forgery case.

Another case that the NYS OCA did not have any other information on, besides the court control number and the incident date, after originally reporting No Results Found.

Figure 6 shows the final results sent to the client.

Figure 6- Developed Criminal Record Results

Final Results

This evidence is in favor of Cursory Indicator New York™. If used in conjunction with the New York Office of Court Administration, the results are the most accurate and compliant within FCRA guidelines.

However, cases of this nature should not be missed by the NYS OCA or any researcher providing a background investigation. CI NY was on the client’s side in properly locating and identifying a convicted sex offender.

Due diligence and thorough research by CI staff, because we did not accept the NYS OCA’s lack of results, delivered a complete criminal history on the subject for our client.

We’re pleased to be Your Proactive Truth Partner™.