Cyber Investigation Criminal Enhancement

Additional Value to Criminal Record Searches

CI’s Cyber Investigation Criminal Enhancement is a brief, powerful internet search utilizing keywords that have been perfected over many years to yield the best results.

This cyber background check, though simple, produces 9-10% additional criminal record information for our population of clients who use it. We use only verifiable news sources to obtain the information.

By utilizing our cyber background checks, you gain access to a wider range of relevant information about potential employees.

This additional insight can help you make more informed decisions during the hiring process and ensure the safety and security of your workplace.

When it comes to vetting potential candidates, relying solely on third-party and non-government sites, such as mugshot databases, can be risky due to the potential for false or inaccurate information.

Instead, our enhancement focuses on utilizing verifiable sources like news articles, police blotters, press releases, and police social media.

By incorporating these reliable sources, you can have confidence in the accuracy and credibility of the information you receive.

You can also consider this enhancement as an excellent complement to their existing criminal record searches.

It adds a layer of depth to the screening process, providing a broader understanding of a candidate's criminal background.

With the CI's Cyber Criminal Enhancement, you can make more informed decisions, reduce potential risks, and ensure a safer and more secure work environment.

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Elevate your Hiring Game with our Cyber Background Checks!

Empower your hiring process with our cutting-edge background check solutions. Our advanced tools ensure faster, easier, and more accurate hiring decisions, reducing risks. Speak with our knowledgeable team today!