Commercial Investigations LLC

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Women Owned Wednesday - Laurie Rothenberger

Welcome to Women Owned Wednesdays! 

In celebration of National Women's Month, we're highlighting the incredible women who make up the heart and soul of our company. 

Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to CI’s Lead Investigator Trainee, Laurie Rothenberger!

Laurie has been with CI for 1.5 years, and is an integral part of our criminal and verification teams’ day-to-day operations and success.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work. Any hobbies or interests that you're passionate about?

I have always been an avid book reader since being a young teen.  I would lock myself in my room with books and read the day away which has just progressed into adulthood.  I once read over 200 books in a year.  I am also a video game player.  After work you can usually find me playing either Fortnite or Call of Duty with my friends and family. 

I also have a huge obsession with all things related to turtles.  Anyone who has gotten to know me over my time here at CI they would know how much I love turtles, my desk if covered in them.

How did you become a part of Commercial Investigations? What drew you to the company?

I became a part of Commercial Investigations during a job posting when they were looking for a Lead Investigator.  I have many years of experience as a Manager and Supervisor in the retail industry, but I was looking for a change of pace in my career but wanted to still utilize my Management background. 

I read the description of Commercial Investigations and applied with thought that it couldn’t hurt to try.  I received a call asking to interview, and I immediately felt like this was the right fit for me the moment I stepped into the office.  I am a person who is always determined to find an answer and solve a puzzle, and the fact that I can apply those skills to my work and dig deep into an investigation is rewarding. 

Especially when my team is able to find the correct answers to a report we have been working on diligently for a long time.  

What is your favorite work snack?

I don’t really have a favorite work snack, but you can always catch me bringing in my favorite Starbucks drink on Friday mornings. 

If your job had a theme song, what would it be?

I would not say I have a theme song in mind, but anytime I come across a good investigation the sound effect from Law and Order pops into my head.


As we celebrate Women Owned Wednesday, what does working in a women-owned company mean to you personally?

Working in a woman-owned company to me feels empowering.  It feels like I truly belong to a great company who appreciates me as the person I am.  It was one of the first things that drew me to the company when I came to interview for the position.  Seeing articles and highlights of our Owner’s achievements on the walls makes you feel like as a woman, we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.