Commercial Investigations LLC

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Women Owned Wednesday - Katelyn Wait

Welcome to Women Owned Wednesdays!

In celebration of National Women's Month, we're highlighting the incredible women who make up the heart and soul of our company. 

Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to CI’s Lead Investigator Trainee, Katelyn Wait!

Katelyn has been with CI for 5 years, and is an integral part of our criminal teams’ day-to-day operations and success.

Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of work. Any hobbies or interests that you're passionate about?

I am a huge plant lover as many of my coworkers can attest, I am dubbed ‘plant mom’ of the office and this is true outside of work…I have far too many plants at home (even grew my own pineapple). I also love cats, currently trying to convince my boyfriend to get one! Camping with my parents, gardening (obviously), reading outside in the summertime, boating on the lake. Hanging with friends and family, and summertime in general all have a special place in my heart.

How did you become a part of Commercial Investigations? What drew you to the company?

I graduated from SUNY Albany in 2018 with a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security & Cybersecurity. After graduation, I was unsure of what I wanted to pursue or where to start my career. I came across the job posting for CI and applied on a whim, I felt this job aligned with my degree and was something that piqued my interest…still does at its been 5 years!!

What is your favorite work snack?

At this moment, it would have to be pretzels and homemade ranch dip. Homemade ranch dip only (ranch seasoning mix from the packet and sour cream)!! It is an everyday snack for me!

If your job had a theme song, what would it be?

No clue…

As we celebrate Women Owned Wednesday, what does working in a women-owned company mean to you personally?

Working in a women-owned company means supporting and encouraging others, being open to ideas and encouraging growth. Being flexible and understanding, while making sure voices are heard, and continually recognizing your employees. CI exemplifies all of these attributes and is a great example showcasing a Women owned business.