Commercial Investigations LLC

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Virtual Hire Experience

As Commercial Investigations has been working remotely this year, we decided in August it was time to hire! That’s right, hiring during a pandemic! It was certainly a challenge but we think we found some really awesome team members. Here’s what our very first virtual hire has to say about her experience:

"Starting a new job is something that can be exciting but also a little nerve wracking. You get to meet new people and learn new skills. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, things have been a little different. I was lucky enough to find a job in the middle of all the chaos and I also got the chance to experience being hired while the company was working remotely. At first, I was not too concerned, but once I started training, I realized just how different this was going to be.

Working from home was something I never thought I would be doing, as I am sure a lot of people are saying right now. I did get to meet some amazing new people, although meeting my colleagues in person will have to wait. I have been fortunate enough to receive great training and have been able to learn so many new things. It was honestly a bit of an adjustment for everyone, I was the first remote hire for the CI staff as well, so we were all experiencing something new together! This took some of the pressure off being the new person!

Even my initial interview was over a Zoom call. Needless to say, there are a lot of Zoom calls, screen sharing, and instant message chats; all the work from home essentials. This did make things a bit more difficult, but as time went on they became easier. I do not think I received any less training than others; I just received my training in a different manner. I am also thankful that I was able to help prove that hiring someone while working remotely is not an impossible task.

I will be honest; working from home is not one of my strong suits. I really enjoy being around others and getting to really "go to work" (although, my gas bill is thanking me). I am sure many of my co-workers feel the same way, as they have been working remote for almost a whole year now! Sometimes, I really wish I could just simply walk over and ask one of them a question. Although, everyone on this team has been extremely kind and helpful towards me during this learning process. There is no one I do not feel comfortable "bothering" with my many questions. Overall, I am glad I have been able to have this experience. I really look forward to the day I get to go to the office and meet my co-workers in person for the first time.

Although it may feel like I am starting a new job all over again since I have become so used to working this way, in the end I will always be grateful for the opportunity to start down this new path and have a wonderful team to rely on both virtually and in-person. Overall, starting a new job in the year 2020 proved to not only be possible but also fun and different. I am sure I will remember this experience for the rest of my life."