Commercial Investigations LLC

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The Dawning of a New Day

A new day is dawning with CIware 2.0, and converting you to our new platform is so easy! It’s a seamless transition. We are there with you every step of the way and will work with your team. We can’t stress enough the importance of this switch for you. First, the platform now allows all Macs, PCs, tablets, and cell phones to access the new software through all browsers. Eureka! Color me happy. And…Did you know that if you get locked out of your account, you no longer need to call us to reset your password? If you forget your password with CIware 2.0, you can reset it yourself! The login page sports a link to reset your password. Right on!

Yet another feature we are singing about is the Estimated Turn - around Time that’s attached to every inquiry. This offers an easy way to keep track of every task and piece of data, and show our clients the state of each inquiry we are investigating for you - in live time. You can pinpoint when you will receive your results.  Also, you are now able to send our staff messages directly through the software. So if you prefer this method, you can cut down on time composing emails.

A favorite function that clients are raving about is the applicant quick invite. All you need to do is enter the first name, last name, and email address of the subject, and an invitation is sent directly through email to fill out their consent form online. You can even request for applicants to fill out education, employment, and reference information at the same time. Everyone is thrilled with less data entry error and phenomenal time savings!

Here’s what a few of our clients have to say about the new platform and the conversion process:
“CIware 2.0 is more user friendly.”
“There is more functionality than the previous software.”
“It’s easier on the eyes and easier to fi nd reports.”
“Administrators have more functional use so they don’t have to rely on us for everything.”
“Billing goes straight to the accounting contact, which cuts down the time spent with billing”.