Commercial Investigations LLC

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Ten Out of Ten - Highly Recommend

Justin and Duey were wrapping up their interview with Truly Wright, and their spirits were lifted after the catastrophe with their last hire. The interview went off without a hitch, and they were feeling assured that they might have finally found someone who will fit with their company culture.

“Thanks so much for coming in today Truly,” Duey said while shaking her hand. “We would like to move you to the next step of this process which is to have you complete our application through our online portal invitation.” “I’ll be sending you an email with the link shortly,” Justin added. Truly thanked them, shook Justin’s hand, and then left.

Immediately after receiving Truly’s application back, Justin decided it was time to initiate her background investigation report. He knew that he not only wanted to check out her criminal and work history, but also wanted to make sure that her character and level of professionalism would be in line with Fancy Valley’s mission, vision, and values.

Justin contacted Commercial Investigations LLC and a helpful representative suggested that they conduct a reference interview. “This will provide you with insight into the performance, attitude, and interpersonal skills of your candidate,” Derek from CI informed Justin. “Fantastic!” Justin exclaimed.

Since they had not obtained references from Truly through the online application, they reached out to her to see if she could provide them with two professional references. “Of course, just let me get you their phone numbers,” Truly said to Justin.

Justin jotted down the information on his notepad and then quickly emailed the CI Staff with the required reference information. An investigator at CI let Justin know that they would get started on the references right away. Justin was impressed at how easy this process was, and waited excitedly to read the interviews once CI had them completed.

At Commercial Investigations LLC, investigator Patricia called one of Truly’s references, Fran Tastic. “Hello. This is Fran,” she answered. “Good Afternoon, this is Patricia calling from Commercial Investigations. The reason for my call is Truly Wright has applied for a position with Fancy Valley and the Four Seasons and has listed you as a professional reference. Do you have a few moments to speak on her behalf?” “Oh, yes! I know Truly. We worked together at the Things-R-We. She was one of my associates,” Fran stated. “I can only say good things about Truly. She’s wonderful!”

Patricia continued, “Thank you Fran! How would you describe her character in terms of personality and work ethic?” “Truly is very outgoing and willing to help anyone. Give her a task and she will take care of it with a smile. She’s very compassionate as well, and really puts her best foot forward inside and out of the work place.” Fran was enthusiastic about Truly as she continued her interview with Patricia.

At the end of the call, Patricia asked Fran if there were any other comments she would like to make. “Hire her! She will not disappoint you,” Fran stated. “I give her a 10 out of 10!” Patricia couldn’t help but smile after hanging up with Fran. She knew that her client would be very pleased with this reference. Truly seemed like an excellent candidate. After CI completed both of Truly’s references, it was up to Justin and Duey to decide if they were going to extend her an offer for the position. The verdict was unanimous. Truly was perfect for Fancy Valley!

Duey and Justin felt even more confident that she would make a great employee after receiving her reference interview reports. “I am so relieved,” Duey sighed after reading Truly’s references. Duey’s office intercom started to ring. “Hi Sue,” Duey answered. “How can I help you?” “Sorry to interrupt, but I keep getting a series of strange prank phone calls. What should I do?” “Please take down the phone number they are calling from and I will look into it,” Duey assured her. “Okay, Mr. Diligence,” she replied. Then she added, “And just so you know, the calls are coming from an Ohio telephone number.”

Will Truly Wright live up to her exceptional references?

Will they find out who is prank calling?

Is there a connection with the prank calls from Ohio and someone’s past?

Find out in the next issue!

Read Truly Wright’s Reference Verification