Commercial Investigations LLC

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Spotlight: Mission, Vision, and Values

As a few of you may have seen, Commercial Investigations now has a new accent wall.  This wall has the buzzwords for our Mission, Vision, and Values on it.  We thought this would be a great opportunity to share some of them with you!

Our Mission statement is to provide background investigations with industry leading service through creative solutions - one client at a time.  We do this by sticking to our Values with a focus on our Vision for the future.

One of our core Values is to have fun!  We believe that it is important to keep work fun.  As Stephen King once wrote “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.”  We like to mix the right amout of fun into our work day.

Another one of our Values that is very important to us is to build respectful, open and honest relationships.  We want to build these relationships internally, with our clients, and also with the community. This is why customer service is one of our top priorities.  

Our Vision for the future is to be the most innovative and educational background investigations partner.  This is why we take time to educate ourselves on what’s happening in the world of background investigations.  We want our clients to be able to make informed hiring decisions.  

It is because we stick to our Mission, Vision, and Values that we are able to do what we do!