Commercial Investigations LLC

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Spotlight: Cursory Indicator New York - From Volume 11 Issue 6 of CI Times

This proprietary inquiry allows Commercial Investigations LLC (CI) to quickly assess when additional criminal record research is needed in New York state. CI's investigative staff handles the tiered inquiry and will automatically proceed to tier two if CURSORY INDICATOR NEW YORK (CI NY) indicates that it is necessary to perform more comprehensive inquiries.

CURSORY INDICATOR NEW YORK (CI NY) positively identifies the subject. This occurs because the data being searched usually contains two, if not all four main identifiers; name, date of birth, social security number, and address. Therefore, we know the data matches the subject before we incur any additional costs required to research the data at the primary source (court record) for the applicable conviction details. Thus, eliminating costs incurred for name match only research.

CURSORY INDICATOR NEW YORK (CI NY) is extremely comparable to the New York Statewide Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA) inquiry in all respects except cost. CI NY has been proven to be more effective than running county court criminal record inquiries in New York. This is so because CI NY contains levels of misdemeanor information, which is not usually found in New York County Court Criminal record inquiries. CI NY contains local, town and city criminal data not found at the county level. It also contains Federal criminal data.

That being said, CURSORY INDICATOR NEW YORK (CI NY) is an exceptional value when compared to the New York Statewide Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA) search where the state charges $65 per name plus financial transaction fees. CI NY is Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliant and abides by the “primary source verification” rule and not the “simultaneous notice” rule.