Commercial Investigations LLC

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Guardian’s Travels: Finding Hiring Blind Spots

On a lazy Saturday morning, Guardian spotted an untouched newspaper still laying in a neighbor’s driveway. Realizing they didn’t get this edition, and being the curious bird Guardian is, they decided to swoop over and take a peek before anyone was the wiser.

Using the breeze created from hovering, Guardian flipped through the pages much faster than anyone else could. On the second to last page, there was an advertisement for a Franchise Expo event happening close to Guardian on Monday that caught the bird’s eye.

“I wonder if any other background screeners will be attending the expo, I must go and see for myself,” Guardian thought.

Monday eventually rolled around, and Guardian found his way to the Expo, ruffling his feathers to look professional before entering. Inside, there were a variety of different franchisors and individual owners, but no background screeners.

“That looks like a franchise staffing agency,” Guardian said, “I’ll go have a talk with them and hopefully learn some more!” Guardian almost took out a table when landing, but was able to find his balance.

“Who or what are you!?” the exhibit employees asked.

“Guardians the name, protecting franchisors like you is my game. I represent a background investigation agency, and wanted to learn more about the provider for your process.”

“Of course we check our franchisees before bringing them onboard, it would be irresponsible not to.”

“That’s true, but are you getting all the available information on the potential franchisees? A normal consumer reporting agency can gather basic criminal information, but only a provider with a private investigative license can obtain all data in a reasonable time,” Guardian replied.

“I don’t believe our provider is a private investigator, but we still gather enough information to make a decision with.”

“I always say you don’t know what you don’t know. Normal consumer reporting agencies are governed by the FCRA, and therefore must obtain information in a specified number of ways. At CI, our private investigative license gives us the ability to find information others simply don’t have the tools for. Being able to obtain additional information not only benefits your team in their decision, but gives your franchise a professional reputation among others,” Guardian exclaimed.

“How do we know if we’re getting all the data though? Most background screeners have different names for each inquiry, we can’t be sure what they all mean,” one employee asked.

“Call Commercial Investigations, they’ll be happy to do an apples to apples comparison on what you currently have. That way, you can feel confident you are getting all the information possible to help your team. Here’s my card!” Guardian replied.

Holding a dry leaf in his wing, Guardian handed the employees his contact information for more help, and quietly flapped away to start talking with the next exhibitor.