Commercial Investigations LLC

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Guardian’s Travels Background Screening

On a gorgeous, late summer day, Yvette sits at her desk at home, getting ready for the next session of the annual Professional Background Screening Association conference. Ding dong. At the door stood Guardian, bags packed. “What took you so long, Guardian? You were supposed to be here yesterday. What’s with the bags? The conference is virtual this year.”

“Hey Yvette, I just flew to Boston and back and, boy, are my arms tired!”

“You better be careful traveling right now, Guardian!” She scolded him.

“Relax, I’m a bird! So, what did I miss out on yesterday? Any good swag this year?”

“Virtual conference means no swag this year, Guardian. Also, you missed the session called “Monitoring - Beyond the Buzzword into the Data and Its Uses.” It emphasized the importance of continuously monitoring. At CI, we already offer a number of continuous monitoring services. It’s important for both us and our clients to ensure that employees working with vulnerable populations are staying out of trouble and taking care of themselves.”

“That does sound vital, especially now with the current stresses in the world. How does it work?”

“Continuous monitoring allows our clients to have real-time alerts on their employees criminal activity. At CI, we offer our Vigilant products which are highly-advanced post-hire screening solutions that monitor employees on an ongoing basis. We offer Vigilant MEDS™, which is a sanction testing solution that validates an individual against sanctioned, disbarred, and excluded provider lists. Then, there’s Vigilant NY™, which alerts our clients within 24 to 48 hours of an individual’s arrest within New York State. Vigilant US™ is a monthly monitoring service which will notify them of an individual’s arrest within the United States. And finally, Vigilant LENS™ helps clients review their organization’s driver’s license records through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicle and reports any changes.

“Sounds like a good way to protect!” Guardian stated. “What are the biggest benefits of this continuous monitoring for our clients? I want to help spread the word!”

“There are numerous benefits. First, they build upon the value of the initial background investigation. CI’s solutions allow organizations continued peace of mind. Second, they improve safety and compliance. They are alerted immediately when an employee has new criminal activity, as well as changes to existing records. Third, they can set it and forget it. Once a client sets up the monitoring with CI, they save time and we take care of the rest for them! Finally, our clients protect their reputations. They can rest assured that they are promoting their commitment to safety!”

“Wow! I’m so grateful you were able to fill me in so I can share this knowledge with the clients I visit.”

“You’re welcome, Guardian. Is there anything I can help you with before today’s sessions begin?”

“Just one thing, I’m a little bummed about there not being any swag this year. Can I take your cat home to help hunt some mice for dinner?”

“Lay one claw on my cat and you’re outta here, Guardian! Now, let’s get ready for some more background screening education.”