Commercial Investigations LLC

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Due Diligence: Meet The Parents Continued...

Prue’s mouth fell open in a comical “O.” For many minutes, Duey sat there feeling more, and more foolish at her silence. Heat was creeping up his cheeks in a telltale blush of mortification. He had looked down at the large diamond ring resting in the small blue velvet box, not daring to meet her eyes. After what felt like an eternity Prue finally spoke.

“Are- are you serious?” She asked in a hushed tentative whisper. Due’s head snapped up, and he stared into her crystal clear azure eyes, finding only beautiful bewilderment. He realized that he hadn’t responded to her question yet. He exhaled, he had not noticed he had also been holding his breath. He didn’t want to put off his answer to her any longer, lest she think he really wasn’t being serious.

“Yes, Prue, I assure you, I am quite serious. I have loved you for many months, and felt that you were the one.”

Coco and Due were both watching the exchange between the young couple with unveiled guises of confusion. Prue noticed their attention and flushed a bright pink.

“Duey, could we please discuss this somewhere more private?” She questioned, nodding her head toward the door.

Duey stood, and pulled her chair out for her. They walked silently over to the coat check, Duey assisting her into her coat. Shrugging, they walked out into the brisk night air. When they were far enough from the door to ensure they wouldn’t be overheard, Prue turned abruptly to face him.

“Duey, I love being around you, and I love that we’re dating, but I don’t think I can accept your proposal. Not yet, at least. I don’t know enough about you, and you don’t know enough about me. I didn’t even know your father had been in prison. I don’t know anything about your mother’s history. We can’t start a life together like this. I almost feel as though you were hiding them from me.” She trailed off.

“Prue, I wasn’t intentionally trying to hide them from you, I just never know how to bring up their unsavory pasts. I mean we’ve only been dating a short while. I’ve wanted to share with you, it’s just, every time I’ve tried, I have lost my nerve.”

“That’s my point though. We’ve only been dating a short while. We need to really get to know each other before we jump into a marriage. I’m sorry this evening didn’t go as planned, but I really need to think about this.”

“If that’s how you feel, I’ll go say goodnight to my parents then.” He said cooly. Duey met her gaze, knowing that his own was betraying the evenness of his tone, displaying the heartbreak, and bitterness he was feeling. Walking back inside the restaurant, he thanked his parents, kissing them both on the cheek, and took Prue to her home.

A few days later, Prue was working from home, and couldn’t shake the need to learn more about Duey’s parents. Unsure of what to do, she called Commercial Investigations LLC.

“Hi, I am a client, but I was wondering if you know of any private investigators that could do some surveillance on someone?”

“Hmmm, I’m not sure, that’s not something that we typically do, but our President is a licensed private investigator and she may know someone who can help.”

Prue reached out to Michelle, and was provided the name of a colleague who could assist her in her quest for the truth. With a sigh of relief knowing that she would get some answers on her sweetheart’s parentage, she relaxed a little into her chair.

A week later she had some results, and the information had been emailed over to her. While perusing the report, she didn’t notice that Duey had let himself in, and was reading over her shoulder.

“WHAT IS THIS?!” Duey cried in outrage. Prue whirled around to face a livid Duey.

What will happen next?

Will Duey forgive Prue for going behind his back?

Stay tuned...