Commercial Investigations LLC

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Due Diligence: Is It Worth It?

Duey and Prue finally arrive back home, although they wish they were still celebrating their honeymoon, not worrying about anything else. Looking back on it, Duey realized that even though Prue and him spent a lot of time together and really enjoyed themselves, they did nothing but answer one phone call after another.

“Shoot!” Duey shouted from the living room.

“What is it, Duey?” Asked a worried Prue.

“Oh nothing, sorry for my overreaction,” Duey said. “I just remembered that Fancy Valley called me while we were waiting at the airport. I had to let it go to voicemail because they were calling our section to board the plane!”

Duey ran over to grab his phone off the charger and dialed the number to Fancy Valley and The Four Seasons. Justin picked up the phone immediately.

“Hey Justin! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to return your call until now. What’s going on over there?” Replied Duey.

“Oh that’s okay! I can’t wait to hear about your trip. I’m calling to ask if you remembered what was going on with that applicant we wanted to hire? I could use some advice.” Justin said.

“Sure thing!” Duey said excitedly.

“So we really really like this applicant, but certain inquiries are just taking way too long to come back. We are scared of losing him to somewhere else or that we are going to regret spending this much time on him when we could have continued our search.

We have encouraged him to try to provide Commercial Investigations LLC with the extra information they need from him to continue, but it’s still taking longer than expected. Is it worth it to wait?” Justin asked hopelessly.

“Well that is a loaded question! In my personal experience, of course it is worth it to get all the information and diligently review it, but I do understand your concern with the timing.”

Duey replied, “However, I would take a look at the specific inquiries that are taking this extra time and discuss the importance of waiting for the results. Is this still regarding the Michigan statewide criminal search Sue told Prue about?”

“That is one of two inquiries. The other is a Direct Report professional reference. The applicant keeps providing professional references, and they all say terrific things, but none of them have directly reported to our applicant,” said Justin.

“The criminal search is not something I would advise skipping out on, because you never know what could come back,” explained Duey.

“Well what if nothing comes back?” Asked Justin.

“Well then you would know for sure and could make a decision having the most accurate information. As for the reference, if you are comfortable with the information you have received so far, then you can discuss moving forward after the other inquiries are complete. However, just remember that it is important to keep these things consistent, meaning make the same decision for other applicants from here on out. Do not pick and choose, and keep in mind that you once set these requirements for a reason!” Duey exclaimed with confidence.

“Thank you, Duey! You give the best advice! See you Sunday for the big game!” Justin said.

Will the Fancy Valley and Four Seasons have to change their hiring process?

Will Sue and Justin adjust their requirements?

Isn’t Coco’s court date soon?

Find out in the next issue!