Commercial Investigations LLC

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Due Diligence: French Twist

Duey was stressed. After running background investigations on five bakers, four caterers, three florists, two officiants, and one hall, everything was booked, everything that is, except the baker. Every one of the five that they had attempted to hire had something come back on their background investigation that was unsavory. He was about to give up when Prue came running in, her face flushed with excitement.

“Duey! I’ve found him!”

“You’ve found who, plum blossom?” asked Duey.“

Our baker! I have found our baker!” She stated proudly, beaming, as she threw a resume down on the table.

Duey peered at the thorough resume. The closer he looked at it, a realization dawned on him.

"Prue! This baker is currently in London, and went to school in Paris!”

“But Duey,” she whined “he studied at Le Cordon Bleu, and works for Le Manoir Aux Quat’saisons in Oxfordshire!  He’s the best!”

“How on earth are we supposed to run a background investigation on them?” 

Prue looked thoughtful, after a moment she replied “I’m not sure, but I can call Commercial Investigations and see if they can tell us if it's possible.”  Her cheerful demeanor returned.

Meanwhile, over at Fancy Valley and the Four Seasons Sue was back in the office. So happy to return to a semi-normal life. She still hadn’t seen Justin since she’d been back. He had taken some time off after working the two jobs as an EMT, as well as running the business with Duey. He must have been exhausted, she can’t imagine what it was like for him. As if she had psychic abilities, Justin walked into the office.

“Justin! Welcome back!” Sue smiled brightly at him. Justin looked exhausted, but pleased to be in the office.

“Hey Sue, how’ve you been holding up? Are we very busy?”

“Oh yes, we have eight new clients, we may have to take on another employee to get through all the accounts, with all the rain we’ve been having the grass is growing like crazy!

”Justin rubbed his tired eyes, “Well I’ll post the job, hopefully we can get a couple great candidates. Could you sort through them once they come in?”

"Of course! How was it being an EMT? We haven’t talked much since you have been pulling double time.”

“It was exhausting and devastating. I’m so happy to have been able to help though." Justin sighed, and looked past Sue as if he was reliving the horror of the past fifteen months.

“I’m so happy you’re here, it must have been terrible.” Sue sighed.

“It was, but I’m going to see if we can get some new faces in here!.” He went into his office and closed the door.

Sue wondered if Justin would be back to his cheerful self at some point, she was very worried about his mental state. How difficult the past year must have been for him. She wondered if there was something she could do to help him. She gazed back out the window lost in her thoughts.

“Well Duey, Commercial Investigations says they can run international background investigations!” Prue stated triumphantly.

“They can?” Replied an astonished Duey.

“Yup, just got off the phone with them, he would just have to submit the same portal invitation and they will run his background investigation. I’m calling him now to see if he will do it.”

“Will it be expensive?” Asked Duey tentatively.

Prue sighed, “Well, there will be additional fees, but please Duey! I want our wedding to be perfect!

”Duey stood up from the kitchen table and enveloped his arms around his fiance. “Alright, let's do it.”

Prue hugged him tightly and skipped off to call this world renowned baker.

A few days later the background investigation was in Duey’s hands, Monsieur Geoffrey Gourdin passed with flying colors. They had their baker and the wedding was set!

Will Sue find a way to help Justin through his emotional ordeal?

Will Duey and Prue’s wedding be a perfect success?

Will Fancy Valley and the Four Seasons find new employees?

Find out in the next issue!

Read Gourdin's Cyber Investigation™ Report