Commercial Investigations LLC

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Due Diligence: An Affair to Remember

The air was crisp, the scent of leaves and earth with a hint of apple clung to the air. Duey looked up at the cerulean sky dotted with white fluffy clouds with a burgeoning anticipation building in his gut. The day had arrived, he was to marry Prue. Willing with all his might that the day would go off without a hitch. Glancing around the beautiful grounds of the giant white hotel with red roof overlooking a lake in the Adirondack Mountains, he watched as a light breeze played with the multi-colored leaves. Hearing some of the already fallen leaves crunch, he turned to see his best man Justin Justice arrive. Justin clapped him on the shoulder and they simultaneously turned and stared across the lake wordlessly.

Meanwhile, in one of the stately hotel suites, Prue was wriggling into her wedding dress with the help of her bridesmaids, among them was Sue. Sue was sipping champagne when Prue asked her to zip her up. The photographer they hired waltzed about snapping photos of the moment.

“Are you nervous?” Sue asked.

“Yes and no. I’m excited, but I am a bit worried about Duey’s parents, especially his mother. Due seems fine, but Coco, well…” She trailed off.

“I completely understand. Hopefully she’s on her best behavior today.”

The time had come, and all the guests had been assembled. Duey walked down the aisle with Due on one arm and Coco on the other. Receiving a kiss from both of them, he moved to his place, and turned to await his bride. The scent of roses floated through the air and he closed his eyes for a moment to savor the anticipation. Bridesmaids began to make the march and stood across from him. Sue gave him a discreet thumbs up as she took her place. The music swelled to announce the arrival of the bride and all the guests stood and turned. Prue began the long walk down the aisle with her very proud father Effen. Her mother Dee had been seated right after Duey's parents. Prue was smiling ear to ear in her white A-line gown with cap sleeves of lace, which trailed down the bodice. The lace itself resembling swirling leaves. Duey couldn’t have been more bewitched by any other creature than he was at that moment. Handed off by her father, Prue and Duey turned to each other, and just held the moment, before turning to the vicar who was performing the service.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of this man and this woman…” The vicar began the service.

Sue had tears in her eyes as the service continued. She was so happy for Duey and Prue. It had been such a journey to get here for them, and this bit of normalcy reminded her that, even with the stress of the world, small celebrations were still worth having. Duey and Prue gave their vows, and kissed, sealing the deal. Then they exited together, and the wedding party followed.

The party in the grand hotel was well underway, when Sue had gone out to the large patio, that overlooked the twinkling lake. Evening had fallen, and everyone was in high spirits. When she noticed Coco, Duey’s mother giggling to herself in a chair. Sue, turned to her with a questioning look, and Coco held up her pointer finger in a shushing motion, then gestured for her to come closer. Sue did so, and Coco, who was clearly intoxicated, whispered to her.

“Everyone is in for a big surprise when they go home tonight with their favors.” Coco giggled again.

“What do you mean?” Asked Prue.

“There are some very special Jordan almonds for everyone to enjoy.”

Prue looked horror stricken. “What kind of special Jordan almonds?” She asked brusquely.

“Oh you know, the edible, Mary Jane kind.” At this point Coco laughed, and got up, swaying slightly and walked back into the ballroom. “I have to tell Duey and Prue!” thought Sue. She hurried into the ballroom, but the couples was leaving. It was too late, everyone was gathering their favors, and their things preparing to leave the festivities. Sue had to do something drastic!

What will Sue do?

How will Duey, and Prue react to Coco’s treachery on their special day?

What will be the consequences?

Find out next time!