Commercial Investigations LLC

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Cursory Indicator New York™ - Why You Should Jump Onboard

Changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act which were scheduled for December 1, 2016 are still rocking companies’ Human Resource and Financial departments. If you work in one of the struggling departments facing issues related to the new laws, then you’ve been making some important choices about higher salary costs, policies, and much more.

Commercial Investigations can offer you a more cost effective and efficient a way to thoroughly search criminal records in New York State in conjunction with the New York Sheriffs’ Association.  Together we developed a tool that sweeps jail booking data and consistently searches local city, town, and village criminal data not found at the county level. We call it Cursory Indicator New York™.

Commercial Investigations has been offering its clients Cursory Indicator New York™ for years. In comparison to the charges of the average New York Statewide search, Cursory Indicator New York™ can save up to 50% on your costs of background investigations in New York State. This is a proven product that hundreds of companies are using, including wholesale vendors, to take advantage of saving 3rd party fees of $65.00 per name searched in NYS, for misdemeanors and felonies using the traditional OCA NY Statewide search.

This month alone, some of CI’s existing clients decided to take advantage of the cost savings associated with Cursory Indicator New York™ have made the switch! As mid- to large-sized companies, they have saved in excess of $20,000 per year by making this one change to their services alone.

Cursory Indicator New York™ is FCRA compliant, and has been extensively tested with the NYS Sheriff ’s Department. It consistently delivers the highest quality results. It has been a financial life-saver for all industries, including non-profit organizations where adequate funds are a constant concern.

Making this simple yet significant change to your background investigations service can help your company chip away at spiraling costs driven by the FLSA changes at hand. Cursory Indicator New York™ is available today!