Commercial Investigations LLC

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Cursory Indicator New York - From Volume 11 Issue 5 of CI Times

Our clients know that Commercial Investigations LLC (CI) is the most innovative and educational background investigations partner. But, do they know that we are also the only background investigative agency in New York State to have criminal data typically only available to the law enforcement world? Well we do … and Cursory Indicator New York (CI NY) is that data.

Michelle Pyan, President of Commercial Investigations LLC, has been involved in the development of Cursory Indicator New York (CI NY) since 1999 along with the New York State Sheriffs’ Association. CI NY has been available to all Commercial Investigations LLC clients since July 2011. This proprietary inquiry allows CI to quickly assess when additional criminal record research is needed in New York State. The entire investigative staff at CI is very knowledgeable and well trained to handle this two tiered inquiry and will automatically proceed to the second tier when Cursory Indicator New York indicates that it is necessary to perform more comprehensive inquiries.

Another extremely important aspect of CI NY is that it positively identifies the subject. This occurs because the data being searched usually contains two, if not all four main identifiers: name, date of birth, social security number, and address. Therefore, we know the data matches the subject before we incur any additional costs required to research the data at the primary source (court record) for the applicable conviction details.

Speaking of costs, did you know CI NY can save our clients up to 30 percent over the New York Statewide Office of Court Administration (OCA) search? If Cursory Indicator New York reveals the potential for a criminal record, which happens approximately ten percent of the time, CI will run the appropriate County or Statewide criminal record inquiry. This saves our clients the cost of running the OCA New York Statewide inquiry on nine out of ten applicants. It also saves the costs of running non-essential county criminal record inquiries. CI NY is comparable to the OCA search inquiry in all respects except cost, and has been proven to be more effective than running county court criminal record inquiries in New York.

In addition, like all of CI’s inquiries, CI NY is compliant with the Fair Credit Report Act (FCRA) and utilizes the “primary source verification” rule. This means that if our client chooses CI NY , their employees and volunteers will be given the time and dignity they deserve through our thorough research and positive identity match before any adverse information is relayed to the client and subject.

Our mission at Commercial Investigations LLC is to provide investigations with industry leading service through creative solutions - one client at a time. Cursory Indicator is a perfect example of how CI is living up to that mission.

Please contact us for more information or request the Cursory Indicator New York white paper at