Commercial Investigations LLC

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CI Leading The Way!

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we found ourselves with a little more time on our hands. So, we thought about ways to add value for our clients and future clients. Thus, CI Leading the Way was born, and we developed a number of recorded webinars that have provided some really great content. We enjoyed it so much that when we found ourselves with less time, we simply went from weekly to monthly and continued creating value.

Our Leading the Way team consists of Rachael, Yvette, Brittany, Patricia, and our President, Michelle. We have enjoyed presenting them live to our clients, interacting with them, and answering questions on the spot! Each of us brings our own personal knowledge and experience to each topic that we discuss, too! Patricia is our lead criminologist and a wizard at software troubleshooting. She has taken the forefront on many presentations related to her areas of expertise. Michelle has the industry experience and compliance background, which has been a fabulous resource when it comes to compliance guidance and tools we offer, like our Decision Matrix. Brittany initiates almost all our background investigations and knows client packages and our inquiries like the back of her hand! She is an incredible asset for our clients! Yvette takes the lead on verifications and drug testing, which are popular inquiries and ones we get many questions on. Rachael has an eye for design and marketing, combined with her investigative skills, she is able to create and put together each of our presentations. Making sure they get in front of our clients so that they can join our discussions! Together, we really make a well-rounded team!

Brittany recently said, “I love showing our clients how we work on a day to day basis.”

Our commitment to being our client's educational background investigations partner is really the driving force behind our webinars. Yvette even said, “I enjoy educating our clients because it also provides me with the opportunity to learn from them and better understand their needs.”

Now, you may be asking, what is the reception? What do our clients think of our webinars? Well, we recently got some feedback!

Nathan, a Talent Acquisition Specialist in the Financial Industry said, “I’ve found CI’s monthly seminars to be upbeat, relevant, and informative. I’ve learned things from the CI team that I wouldn’t have picked up anywhere else.”

Derek, a Human Resources Associate in the Non-Profit Industry also said, “The monthly Leading the Way Webinars have been an amazing treat during these hard times. They really show the effort and care that the team at CI put into every background investigation. They are a fun way to learn about the background screening industry, and they really show how confident and intelligent the CI team is! I look forward to them every month.”

These reviews really warm our hearts and give us the drive to keep creating and keep the communication with our clients flowing. For more information, webinar recordings, and ways to join us, visit our website.