Commercial Investigations LLC

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Cheers to 15 Years!

As many of you know, Commercial Investigations LLC turned 15 years old on March 8, 2019 and we certainly celebrated all the great accomplishments we have achieved over the years. We hosted a fabulous party that was put together by our dedicated social committee, who spent many months planning this event for us all to eat, drink, and be merry – oh, and of course sing, and dance!

It took a lot of preparation and planning to get our celebration together. We chose the Brown’s Brewing Malt Room in Troy as our party venue; a cozy, basement bar that fit perfectly with our Roaring Twenties theme. There was plenty of delicious food and beverages, and not to mention, entertainment. From the DJ, to the magician, and even a tarot card reader, we truly were spoiled with so much fun! Fun is one of our many notable values and I think all my colleagues would agree we undoubtedly lived up to this during our celebration. We even got Michelle to sing Karaoke, three times!

The 15-year anniversary is traditionally the crystal anniversary and it is crystal clear to us, that these past fifteen years would not have been possible without the dedication and drive of Michelle Pyan, our president and fearless leader. It is because of her and the company she built, that all of us were able to celebrate and do what we love every day.

Fifteen years ago, on March 8th, Michelle took her passion and knowledge of background investigations and turned it into a continuously growing company that prides itself on innovation, commitment, and positivity in all aspects. It’s an event like this that really allows us to reflect on the work we’ve done and the goals we’ve reached. Many of our clients and vendors came out to celebrate alongside us, which was truly magnificent. We wouldn’t have been able to accomplish as much as we have without our wonderful people who partner with us. I know we all appreciate any opportunity to not only meet with everyone but get to know them outside of daily business.

Through four different offices, two different software platforms, and the ever-changing landscape of the background investigations world, our clients and partners have stuck with us, trusted us, and let us be the best that we can be. We could not be more thankful for the support we have received over the last fifteen years and look forward to many more celebrations together.

We here at Commercial Investigations LLC would like to send out a special thank you to Michelle, and to all of our clients and vendors without whom we would not have had these magical 15 years. Thank you, and stay tuned for years to come!