Commercial Investigations LLC

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Meet the Team - Derek Masterson

We caught up with Lead Investigator and coffee fanatic, Derek Masterson, and learned some great stuff about his day to day life at Commercial Investigations!

What is your typical day like at Commercial Investigations?

Derek: I start my day by trying to be at work at least 15 minutes early so that I can catch up emails and faxes from the night before.  After our morning huddle I handle client issues, make phone calls, quality control work from my peers, and do any special projects I’m assigned to.  Being a Lead Investigator also means I help others frequently and answer any questions they may have.  Also, coffee is a MUST throughout my day!

What are some of your other duties/responsibilities with your job?

Derek: I make verification calls, as well as assist with sex offender registry searches we do.  I’m also a part of our CI Times Newsletter Committee, and the leader of our Philanthropy Committee.  In our Philanthropy Committee I help plan and coordinate various events.

Tell us what it’s like being the leader of the Philanthropy Committee.

Derek: It’s both challenging and rewarding.  I am my mother’s son, meaning I’m a control freak - No I’m just kidding.  Being a part of this committee allows me to connect to my co-workers on a personal level, specifically when we are doing planning for the company.  It’s satisfying to be there for others and make sure everyone is happy and will enjoy the events we create.

What do you find most enjoyable about your job?

Derek: I enjoy helping others as well as conducting verifications and assisting with our own internal hiring.  I also like being a part of our Philanthropy Committee.  I’m a big fan of charity and donating time to others in need.  A lot of our clients are non-profit organizations and it is fulfilling to contribute and be part of that.

What do you like most about Commercial Investigations as a company?

Derek: The work we do is what I like most because background investigations are so important.  I think sometimes that importance can be over looked in the world outside of this industry.  Also, this job gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that we are helping put the right people in the right positions.

Why do you think you are successful at your job?

Derek: I think my success comes because of my mom.  She instilled a good work ethic in me from a young age, and I have a lot of perseverance.  But I also have found passion in the work I do.  It’s not always common to find a job you are good at and enjoy.  That is something I have found with Commercial Investigations.